Since its formation in 1954 Southsea SAC set out to make an impression on the diving world. In fact, we dented it!

  • We have been the winner of the prestigious Heinke Trophy, the trophy given to the most nationally improved club, no less than 3 times. 
  • Our founder, Alan Blake, invented the game of 'Octopush' at which we have been national winners too many times to mention. 
  • In what was, at the time, a very male-dominated sport we actively encouraged women to join us and start diving, in fact, we were the very first club within the BSAC to have a female Diving Officer in Barbara Anderson.
  • Club members Alex McKee and John Towse initiated 'Project Solent Ships'. It was this project which discovered the whereabouts of Henry VIII's flagship the Mary Rose. 
  • In the past Southsea SAC has represented Great Britain in international spear-fishing and produced national champions on more than one occasion.

The times they are a changing but of course, we are endeavouring to change with them. Some of our changes are obvious ones, others are less obvious, such as the changing attitudes towards diving and the ways we are trying to make the sport more accessible. In recent times we have returned to our roots of local wreck investigation and the best of British wreck diving. We have also invested in our facilities to provide our members with modern, accessible diving gases and promoting safer diving for all members.