The Dive Leader (DL) course comprises of the following elements:

  • 12 classroom lessons, some of which may be completed online, using the BSAC e-learning facilities, or with one of our instructors at the clubhouse who can provide the lectures in person
  • Seven open water dives where the following skills are taught or reviewed:
    • dive leading (demonstration and practice)
    • dSMB
    • recovering a shot line
    • rescue management scenarios
    • basic dive skills (mask removal, clearing, out of gas scenarios and weight removal)
  • Practical session at a dive site (Dive Marshal)
  • Theory test with a pass mark of 75%
  • Three Depth Experience dives to 40m, 45m and 50m, respectively

Due to the nature of this course, we also ask the candidates to organise many of the different elements of the course, such as when/where to go for different open water dives. This will include elements such as securing a suitable Instructor, picking a suitable training location and checking the local conditions.

Candidates are reminded that on this website, we have a few pages to help with dive planning.

Local Diving Information


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Skill Development Courses

Some of the lessons in the DL course are also included in the BSAC Skill Development Courses (SDCs). If these have been completed recently, then due credit can be given. For those skills which include rescue elements, it is recommended that everyone periodically completes a refresher session. These are arranged within the club.

The skill development courses include:

These are run through both at the club and by the regional coaching scheme and are open to any qualified diver. If you wish to book yourself on such a course, please speak with the Training Officer. They may see a need and help to get a course arranged sooner within the club.

The candidate will also be required to complete a number of qualifying dives. A current list of these is provided with the Student pack and the Instructor and Training Officer can clarify this for you. Typically they will include things such 20 dives comprising experience showing dives off a boat, low visibility, planned decompression dives, night dives, drift dive, wall dives and wreck dives. There is a minimum amount of dive time for these 20 dives of 600 minutes.


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